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Aplikasi OTA buat Blackberry
Aplikasi Islam
OTA 99 Asmaul Husna Multimedia
OTA Adzan (by Om Oon)
OTA Adzan (by Ibnu)
OTA Adzan Islamicfinder
OTA AlQur’an + Terjemahan ( by )
OTA Al Qur’an online ( by Buol Team )
OTA AyatKursi Multimedia and Translation
OTA Font ARABIC : 7290 | 82xx | 83xx/87xx | 8900 | 9000 | 95xx
OTA Ramadhan Pocket Guide (dilengkapi acapella sahur, imsakiyah + adzan)
OTA SalatMK (Minimum user setting, dilengkapi adzan, dan bisa gunakan mp3 adzan sendiri)
OTA Wasolim (dilengkapi imsyakiyah + adzan)
BBM 4: OS 4.5 (curve) | OS 4.6 (javelin) | OS 4.6 (bold) | OS 4.7 ( storm) – Untuk downgrade dari BBM 5
OTA Yahoo Messenger
OTA G-Talk
OTA Gmail (Freeware)
OTA AOL Instant Messenger
OTA IM+ for Skype (Trial)
Beejive: OS 5.0 – Storm | OS 4.7 – Storm | OS 5.0 | OS 4.6 & 4.7 | OS 4.3 & 4.5 | OS 4.2.1
OTA eBuddy
OTA IM+ All-In-One Mobile Messenger
OTA Nimbuzz
OTA Pinwall
OTA Palringo (Freeware)
OTA MessageScheduler (Trial)
OTA Myspace
OTA SMS Scheduler
OTA iSkoot for Skype
OTA QSMS (Freeware)
Maps & GPS
OTA BlackBerry Maps
OTA Google maps
OTA InstaMapper GPS Tracker
OTA MapMyTracks (Signed)
OTA MapQuest Mobile
OTA BBTracker
ZIP Smap
OTA TrekBuddy
Led & Vibrations
OTA MissingLight
OTA BuzzMe
OTA Call Back Reminder
OTA Berry Buzz
OTA 3 Hand Poker
OTA Archaenon
OTA Baccarat
OTA BBTetris for Pearl, Curve, 8900, Bold
ZIP BB Video Poker
ZIP Blackberry Roulette
OTA Black Hole (Storm)
OTA BlackJack
OTA Blaxx
OTA BlockBerry:Pearl | Curve dan 8800 | Jave | Bold
OTA Bomber
OTA Circle Popper
OTA Cotopia Connect
OTA DAvatar
OTA Dope Wars
OTA Dots (Storm)
OTA Eliminator Elite
OTA Evil House
OTA European Roulette
OTA Fear Of The Dark
OTA First Past The Post
OTA Frogger
OTA HangMan DX
OTA Intergalactic Kungfu
OTA Jacks Or Better
OTA Mermaids Millions
OTA Meteor Crusher
OTA Minisweeper
OTA Mobile Aquarium
OTA Mr. BucketHead
OTA Pacman : Pearl, 83xx, 85xx, 88xx | 8900, Bold, Tour
OTA Pacman
OTA Pac-Man
OTA Paper Airplane
OTA Pearl Lagoon
OTA Poker Swap
OTA Pub Fruity
ZIP RHex (Bold)
ZIP RHex (Storm)
ZIP Same Game
OTA SimEtris
OTA Solitaire
ZIP Space Invider
OTA Spider Solitaire
OTA Super Mario
OTA Texas Hold’em King
ZIP Tiltris
OTA Tomb Rider Slots
OTA World Treasure Hunter Deluxe
Social Network
OTA Facebook
OTA FB (Beta)
OTA Facebook
OTA Flickr
OTA jmIRC (Freeware)
ZIP Mobi Twitter (for 81xx only)
ZIP Mobi Twitter (for 83xx only)
OTA SameCell (Freeware)
OTA TwitterBerry
OTA TwitterBerry
OTA Twitter For BB
OTA Uber Twitter
OTA Twit 4lay
OTA Tvider: 9xxx | 8520 | 82xx & 88xx | 83xx | 81xx
OTA Seesmic: OS 4.5.0 | OS 4.6.0 | OS 4.6.1 | OS 4.7.0 | OS 5.0
OTA Yatca:OS 4.6.X | OS 4.7 and Higher
OTA Beetwitt
OTA TwitXtreme: OS 4.2.1 to 4.5.x | OS 4.6 and Up
OTA Four Square
OTA BBTran - Kamus online
OTA BBTran OS 5.0
ZIP Kamus Lengkap 4.0
OTA Sugarbear Translator
OTA Tradutor Translator (Freeware)
OTA Navita Translator
OTA Protranslate Lite
OTA Translator+ 1.3.7
OTA Kamus Offline : Links | Mirror Link
Explorer & Browser
OTA FileScout
ZIP Aerize Explorer
OTA Aerize Explorer 2008 1.0.1 (Trial)
OTA BOLT Browser (Freeware)
OTA FileManagerPro (Trial)
OTA Opera Mini
ZIP Rove Mobile File Manager (Freeware)
OTA TopoExplorer (Freeware)
OTA Beam Explorer: OS 4.5 | OS 4.6 | OS 4.7 | OS 5.0
OTA Aerize Card Loader (Trial)
OTA Antair Auto-Responder
OTA Antair Call Screener
OTA Antair Spam Filter
OTA Anyview
OTA Applisting – application listing feature
OTA Atomixhelix Notify
OTA Atomichelix PGP
OTA AutoLock
OTA AutoStandby
OTA BatteryBooster
OTA BBCorrector Advanced User Version
OTA BBWeather
OTA BenchmarkMagic
OTA BerryAnnoying
OTA BerryBloglines
OTA BerrySearch (Freeware)
OTA BerrySpeedy
OTA BerryTorch
OTA BerryUnitConverter (Freeware)
OTA Bible
OTA BilbyBatchRename
OTA BilbyConnections
OTA BilbyFile(Trial)
OTA BilbyFile Lite (Freeware)
OTA BilbyLight
OTA bit.lify
OTA BlackBerry Device Info Utility(Freeware)
OTA BlackBerry Web Shortcuts
OTA BlackBerryWiki(Freeware)
OTA Bloomberg on BlackBerry(Freeware)
OTA bluCTRL Controller for BlackBerry
EXE bluCTRL Receiver for Windows
OTA Bluff My Call Mobile(Freeware)
OTA BluPont
OTA Boopsie
OTA CallBlocker Pro
OTA CallsBlocker
OTA CameraMuteApp
OTA Capture It(Freeware)
OTA CarFinder
OTA CariPromo
OTA CellSpin Blog Tools (Freeware)
OTA Cerberus Call Filter
OTA Chronograph
OTA ChronoMagic
OTA Cippi (The Farting Chipmunk)
ZIP Cisco Global Internet Speed Test (GIST) (Freeware)
OTA CNBC Shortcut (Freeware)
OTA CNN Shortcut (Freeware)
OTA CoinToss
OTA ColorLight (Freeware)
ZIP ColorPearl
OTA ColorPearl (Freeware)
OTA Conjola Sync – Gmail (Freeware)
OTA Cortado Connect for (Freeware)
OTA Cortado Save The Weekend (Freeware)
OTA Cortado SMS2Desk
OTA Website Launcher (Freeware)
OTA DetikReader (Freeware)
OTA Dexrex SMS Backup
OTA Didiom
OTA Documents To Go 1.005 (Trial)
OTA Documents To Go 1.006 (Trial)
OTA Documents To Go 1.007 (Trial)
OTA Documents To Go 1.007 (Trial) (for 95xx only)
OTA Don’t Be Bored! (Freeware)
OTA Dynoplex eFile Pro
OTA Dynoplex eOffice (Trial)
OTA Dynoplex eSpell
OTA Dynoplex eWorks Pro
OTA Dynoplex eZcase
OTA Empower HTML Mail Viewer (Trial)
OTA eReader
OTA E-Trade Mobile Pro
OTA Evernote (for OS 4.6 and later)
OTA Evernote (for 95xx only)
OTA EveryHour
OTA ExtraLight (Freeware)
OTA Fidelity Investments
OTA Fancy Char: Ver. 2.4 | Ver. 3.3 | Ver. 4.0.6
OTA FileLock (Freeware)
OTA FlashLight for 95xx only)
OTA FlipSide (Trial)
OTA FlyCast
OTA FMyLife (Freeware)
ZIP FreeLight (Freeware)
OTA FreeLight (Freeware)
OTA FreeRange (Freeware)
OTA FXConverter (Freeware)
OTA gCalc!
OTA GCalSync
OTA GeoLocME (Freeware)
OTA gFlash+
OTA Ghost Camera
OTA Google Sync
OTA got-2
OTA GPSed (Freeware)
OTA gRef
OTA GridMagic CE
OTA GuitarTuner (for 95xx only)
OTA gWhiz (gCalc, gFlash & gRef)
OTA Handango InHand
OTA iBerry Black & Whitelist
OTA iHeart Radio (Freeware)
OTA Inside Xbox
OTA InstaMapper GPS Tracker
OTA Instango
ZIP Insurance Dictionary 5.0
OTA IntelliBerry
OTA iStockManager
OTA ITookThisOnMyPhone
ZIP JConverter
OTA JiveSlide
OTA KeePassBB2 Beta
OTA Klik BCA Launcher
OTA BlackBerry Launcher (Freeware)
OTA Launcher (Beta)
OTA Level (for 95xx only)
OTA LightSaber (for 95xx only)
ZIP LiteFeeds
OTA Livecontacts LC Mobile for BlackBerry (Freeware)
OTA Live Search
OTA LogicMail
OTA LogicMail RC
OTA LogMaid (Freeware)
OTA Maclean’s Mobile
ZIP Marketing Terms Dictionary 5.0
OTA MaxMem (Freeware)
OTA MemoryUp Personal (Freeware)
OTA MemoryUp Pro
OTA metroNome (Freeware) (95xx)
OTA metroNome (Freeware) (8xxx)
OTA Metro TV Mobile (Freeware)
OTA MiaWallpaper (Trial)
OTA MidpSSH (Beta) (Freeware)
OTA MindBerry(Trial)
OTA MiniMoni (Freeware)
OTA Mobile Data Alerter for BlackBerry
OTA Mobiola PhotoRenamer (Trial)
OTA Mobiola Snapshot (Trial)
OTA Mobipocket Reader
OTA Mobiscope (Trial)
ZIP Moblying Mobile Videos
OTA Multi Alarm (Trial)
OTA MultiPlay
OTA My Location (Freeware)
OTA Nasrudin
OTA Nav4All (Freeware)
OTA NewsGator Go!
OTA Nickel Buddy Coin Toss (Freeware)
ZIP Nickel Buddy Coin Toss (Freeware)
OTA Nobex Radio Companion (Freeware)
OTA NotNow (Trial)
OTA Oanda FXConverter
OTA OntoCalendar
OTA Pandora Radio
OTA Pedometer (Freeware)
OTA Peek-A-Boo (Freeware)
OTA PhoneBAK Anti-theft software
OTA PhoneLock (for 95xx only)
OTA PicoNews
OTA PocketDay Reply As New (Freeware)
OTA QuickPull:OS 5.0 | OS 4.7 | OS 4.5 dan 4.6
OTA Quick Search with Google
OTA RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mobiles (Trial)
OTA RepliGo Pro Internet Edition
OTA RepliGo Professional
OTA reQall
ZIP RSS Reader
OTA schizoTone (for 95xx only)
OTA ScreenSaver (Freeware)
ZIP ShaverBerry (for 95xx only)
OTA She (Freeware)
OTA Shortcovers (Freeware)
OTA shotGun (for 95xx only)
OTA ShrinkIt (Trial)
OTA SignalLoc (Freeware)
OTA Slacker Radio for BlackBerry (Freeware)
OTA SmashScreen (for 95xx only)
OTA SmrtGuard (Beta Version)
OTA SnappleCap (for 95xx only)
OTA SoftReset (Freeware)
OTA speedOmeter
OTA SpeedTest (Freeware)
ZIP SpinPen
OTA Starry Night Online
OTA StockQuote
OTA Stock Quote Viewer
OTA StopTilt: Disable Auto Rotation on Storm (Trial) (for 95xx only)
ZIP StormDice (for 95xx only)
OTA StormGrounds (for 95xx only)
OTA StormLock (Trial) (for 95xx only)
OTA StormPiano (for 95xx only)
OTA StormSketch (for 95xx only)
OTA StormSlider (for 95xx only)
OTA StormTorch (Freeware)
ZIP Strand Social Player (Media Player)
OTA Super Scheduler (Trial)
OTA SureWipe (Trial)
OTA SysInfo (for 95xx only)
OTA Tellme
OTA teslaBerry (for 95xx only)
OTA The New York Times Shortcut (Freeware)
OTA The Shortcut (Freeware)
OTA The Washington Post Shortcut (Freeware)
OTA TimeLogMagic (Beta)
OTA TinyLock (Freeware)
OTA ToDoMatrix Professional? (Trial)
ZIP Trackut
OTA Trackut
OTA Trapster
OTA WordPress 1.4.1: OS 4.5 or Higher |OS 4.7 or Higher
OTA ZonaSnap (Free)
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